Palliative Care
Time for Your Pet
Latin word Palliare which means to ‘cloak’.
Imagine wrapping an extra layer of comfort and protection, shielding you from the harms of the illness.
Palliative care is given to a dog as he or she approaches the end of life through old age or illness.
Palliative care is not a curative therapy but a comforting hug.
During these difficult times we can support our dog with massage for physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort – enhancing their quality of life for as long as they live. In doing so we provide comfort to ourselves too.
Massage is applied very gently and slowly (passive touch and hypnotic stroking adapted to suit the dogs comfort level), giving undivided attention to help provide relaxation, decrease anxiety, agitation, pain intensity and stiffness.
The aim of palliative care is to make your dog’s final days as comfortable and as enjoyable as possible.
Palliative care may also include physical therapy through scent enrichment, with options that can extend both your dog’s quality of life and the time you get to spend enjoying each other.
Cost up to an hour £42