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Sore Muscles & Trigger Points

Tender, painful knotty nodules, tight bands of muscle tissue which restrict range of motion and affect quality of life. Caused by repetitive motion, injury, sudden over stretching and overuse, postural changes, long crate rest. Symptoms include, chronic pain, self-mutilation (not necessary in area of pain), muscle twitching, coat changes in specific area, worsening of orthopaedic conditions, stiffness, decrease in mobility, muscle weakness, fatigue, slowing down, premature aging, lack of proprioception and changes in behaviour (miserable, doesn’t like being handled).  Left untreated will result in permanent changes in muscle tissue. Can mimic OA. Frictional massage will reduce/resolve symptoms linked to TP’s.


Note * trigger point is often resistant to NSAIDs. Trigger point release is very good for dogs that are intolerant to NSAIDs.

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